Redcliffe Way Design Competition
Bristol Housing Festival, Goram Homes and Redcliffe Neighbourhood Forum have announced the winner of the Redcliffe Way Design Competition! The competition is now closed.
Congratulations to Groupwork, McGregor Coxall and Hydrock and a huge thanks to the other shortlisted firms, all of which submitted excellent proposals.
Melissa Mean, Redcliffe Neighbourhood Forum said:
“Re-claiming Redcliffe Way for homes, nature, and community infrastructure has long been the ambition of the Redcliffe community. The winning design is a really exciting and thoughtful response to this challenge. We look forward to working with the team on what will be an important first step in creating a new heart for our neighbourhood."
Shortlisted entries were:
2. Groupwork, McGregor Coxall & Hydrock
3. HTA Design
The shortlisted group entered stage 2 of the competition earlier this year, which included community engagement and further development of their ideas.
Goram Homes and Bristol Housing Festival launched a design competition earlier this year for the Portwall Lane Car Park situated to the north of St Mary Redcliffe Church – a masterpiece of gothic architecture and Grade I listed building.
Goram Homes and the Redcliffe Neighbourhood Forum were looking for inspiring and inclusive proposals for a mixed-use, residential led scheme on this site but were also open to exciting ideas about the surrounding area, which would consider a re-imagined vision for Redcliffe Way as a whole.
They also had an ambition for this site to be an exemplar of sustainability and biodiversity while helping the city to meet its housing needs, including the requirement for minimum 40% affordable housing.
Goram Homes are a Bristol-based housing company. They build homes that create communities and are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.
Having launched a successful design competition for their energy centre site adjacent to Castle Park, with the winner being announced in March 2022, Goram Homes felt that this was the most fair and transparent way to select the most suitable design and team to take this project forward.
The competition was managed and stage 1 anonymised by Bristol Housing Festival.