Storyteller Fund
Question 19
Please provide a summary of what you would like to do and the platform you would like to use.
Our full (800 word) answer is available to download using the button below.
Question 26
We want to understand you & your work better, so please provide us with any relevant links and reviews, if applicable, to demonstrate your track record (previous or current activity).
Our full response is below…
Storytelling is at the heart of what we believe it will take to change the narrative on housing in this country, and to see the delivery of the social rent housing we need and to put an end to child homelessness. Our work centres around the ‘ecosystem solution’ developed in partnership with over 60 stakeholders and published in the Social Rent Housing at Pace Playbook.
New Homes in New Ways: Exhibition 24th October 2024 – 22nd February 2025. This exhibition looks to tell the story, from despair to hope, of the housing crisis and the solutions being developed by organisations across the UK.
Learn more about the exhibition here:
See a short video tour of the exhibition here:
See a summary video of the opening night here:
Watch Project Director Jez Sweetland’s opening speech here:
Or read the transcript of Jez’s opening speech here:
Jez Sweetland recently delivered a TEDx talk in Bristol.
What are the real reasons for the housing crisis that is quickly affecting us all? Jez Sweetland dissects the complex issues, identifies the winners and losers, and offers potential solutions for a fairer and better future of housing.
Enabling Housing Innovation for Inclusive Growth
As a pre-cursor to the development of the Social Rent Housing at Pace Playbook, we were on of a consortium of partners funded by Innovate UK for an 18-month project called Enabling Housing Innovative for Inclusive growth. Find out more on our website here:
Watch our summary video of the project here (this video was also shown at COP 26 in Glasgow by Innovate UK):
As part of this Innovate UK programme, we developed a series of Innovation in Practice reports, which encouraged those involved to speak openly about the project-story and insights, so that lessons learnt could be widely shared with other project teams.
Social Return of Investment (SROI)
In 2023 we co-produced a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis with Akerlof, looking at the value of settled homes on families previously living in temporary accommodation. Storytelling is central to the SROI methodology, as a means for surfacing, communicating, and helping quantify those outcomes most valued by beneficiaries. The Constructing Homes, Rebuilding Lives report demonstrates the power of giving voice to change.
Exhibitions and storytelling have been part of our ethos from our inception in 2018:
See more about our opening expo in 2018 here:
See more about our virtual expo in 2020 here:
And our ‘in conversation series’ from 2021 here: