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Why are we in a TA Crisis?
If you have visited IKEA lately, you may have seen the recently launched ‘Real Life Roomsets’, designed to reveal the reality of those living in Temporary Accommodation (TA). These, coupled with Shelter’s latest report ‘Still Living in Limbo’ have brought the harsh realities of TA into the spotlight, but how did we get here, and what’s the solution?
How not to solve homelessness
If there was one claim that would make my heart sink, it would be if someone was asking to meet me because they had the solution to homelessness.
There Really Is Such A Thing As Society
Boris Johnson recently commented “there really is such a thing as society” in a message released whilst he was self-isolating. The prime minister chose to contradict his Conservative predecessor Margaret Thatcher’s support for individualism made in 1987, saying: “There is no such thing as society.”